Business Law Attorneys: What You Need to Know


If you’re a small business owner or a real estate investor, you might be asking: What does a business law attorney do? A business law attorney helps you navigate the complex legal waters of business operations, ensuring that your interests are protected and risks are minimized.

Here are some key points to consider when it comes to a business law attorney:

  • Business Formation: Assisting with the creation of new business entities
  • Contract Negotiation: Drafting, reviewing, and negotiating contracts
  • Employment Issues: Managing employment relationships, including payroll, tax compliance, and disputes
  • Real Estate Transactions: Handling commercial real estate sales, purchases, and leasing
  • Dissolution: Guiding businesses through the legal aspects of winding down operations

Understanding business law is crucial. It isn’t just about avoiding fines or penalties; it’s about building a successful enterprise with the longevity and resilience to withstand legal challenges. A knowledgeable business law attorney can be your strongest ally.

What is a Business Law Attorney?

A business law attorney is a legal professional who specializes in the laws and regulations that govern the formation, operation, and dissolution of businesses. They play a crucial role in helping business owners navigate the complex legal landscape to ensure their operations comply with all relevant laws.


  1. Advisor: Business law attorneys provide advice on a wide range of legal issues, from selecting the right business structure to drafting contracts and navigating regulatory requirements.

  2. Negotiator: They negotiate on behalf of their clients in various transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions, and vendor agreements, ensuring that their clients’ interests are protected.


  1. Business Formation: Assisting in the creation of new business entities, including selecting the appropriate structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) and filing necessary documents.

  2. Contract Drafting and Review: Crafting and reviewing contracts to ensure they are legally sound and protect the client’s interests. This includes employment agreements, confidentiality agreements, and vendor contracts.

  3. Compliance: Ensuring that businesses adhere to federal, provincial, and local regulations, including tax laws and employment laws.

  4. Dispute Resolution: Handling disputes with customers, vendors, competitors, and employees through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

  5. Employment Issues: Managing employment-related matters such as drafting employment contracts, handling disputes, and ensuring compliance with labor laws.

  6. Real Estate Transactions: Overseeing commercial real estate dealings, including negotiations, due diligence, and closing processes.

  7. Dissolution: Guiding businesses through the legal processes involved in closing down operations, whether due to retirement, disputes, or financial difficulties.

Business law attorneys are indispensable for any business looking to minimize risks and maximize opportunities. They provide a safety net, ensuring that your business can operate smoothly and legally.

Next, we’ll delve deeper into the specific services provided by business law attorneys, starting with Business Formation.

Key Services Provided by Business Law Attorneys

Business law attorneys offer a wide range of services to help businesses navigate complex legal landscapes. Let’s break down some of the key services they provide:

Business Formation

Choosing the right business entity is crucial. Business law attorneys assist in selecting the most suitable structure—be it a sole proprietorship, general partnership, or limited partnership. This decision impacts tax consequences and personal liability.

Contract Negotiation, Drafting, and Review

Contracts are the backbone of business relationships. A well-drafted contract can prevent future disputes and clarify terms. Business law attorneys help in negotiating, drafting, and reviewing contracts to ensure they are fair and legally sound. This includes employment agreements, vendor contracts, and confidentiality agreements.

Business Operations and Ongoing Legal Support

Running a business involves numerous legal challenges. Business law attorneys can act as outside general counsel, providing advice on corporate governance, control, and management. They also assist with accounts receivable and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Employment Issues

Labor costs are a significant expense for businesses. Managing employees effectively is vital. Business law attorneys help draft employment agreements and handle employee related issues.

Business Transactions and Financing

Whether buying or selling a business, or securing financing, business law attorneys play a critical role. They represent buyers, sellers, borrowers, and lenders, ensuring that transactions are protected and legal formalities are observed. This helps in safeguarding the client’s bargaining position.

Real Estate and Property Transactions

Commercial real estate deals can be intricate. Business law attorneys guide clients through negotiations, due diligence, and closing processes.

Dissolution of Business

Eventually, all businesses face dissolution, whether due to retirement, disputes, or financial difficulties. The dissolution process is complex and requires legal compliance. Business law attorneys aim to make this process as painless and profitable as possible.

Next, we’ll explore the intricacies of Business Formation and why it’s a critical step for any new venture.

Business Formation

Choosing the right structure for your business is crucial. It impacts everything from taxes to personal liability. Here’s what you need to know about business formation and the different types of business entities.

Entity Selection

Selecting the right entity is the first step. Common options include:

  • Sole Proprietorships: Simple and inexpensive to set up. The owner has full control but also bears unlimited personal liability.

  • General Partnerships: Two or more people share ownership. Profits and liabilities are shared equally unless otherwise stated in a partnership agreement.

  • Limited Partnerships: Includes both general and limited partners. General partners manage the business and have unlimited liability, while limited partners have liability only up to their investment.

  • Corporations: A corporation is a vehicle that shields its shareholders from liability. It is often the go-to vehicle for business ventures.

Each entity type has its pros and cons. A business law attorney can help you decide which structure best fits your needs and goals.

Tax Consequences

Taxes vary significantly based on your business structure:

  • Sole Proprietorships: Income is reported on the owner’s personal tax return. Simple but can result in higher personal tax rates.

  • General Partnerships: Similar to sole proprietorships, but profits are divided among partners. Each partner reports their share on personal tax returns.

  • Limited Partnerships: Limited partners enjoy tax benefits as they are only taxed on their share of profits, and not involved in day-to-day management.

  • Corporations: Shareholders of a corporation are not taxed until such time as the corporation disburses funds to shareholders in the form of dividends. Corporations also tend to enjoy lower tax rates than individuals and as such running a business through a corporation can result in significant tax savings and/or deferral.

Understanding these tax implications can save you money and prevent legal issues down the road.

Personal Liability

Liability protection is another critical factor:

  • Sole Proprietorships: The owner is personally liable for all business debts and obligations.

  • General Partnerships: Each partner is personally liable for business debts, which can put personal assets at risk.

  • Limited Partnerships: Limited partners have liability protection, but general partners do not.

  • Corporations: Shareholders of a corporation are generally (except in rare circumstances) protected from all liability incurred by the corporation.

By choosing the right structure, you can protect your personal assets from business liabilities.

Case Study: A Real-World Example

Consider a tech startup that began as a sole proprietorship. As the business grew, the owner faced increasing liability risks. By consulting a business law attorney, they transitioned to a corporation. This move offered liability protection and tax benefits, allowing the business to scale without exposing the owner to undue risk.

Next, we’ll dive into the importance of Contract Negotiation, Drafting, and Review and how it can safeguard your business relationships.

Contract Negotiation, Drafting, and Review

Contracts are the backbone of any business. They define the terms of your business relationships, set expectations, and protect your interests. Here’s why contract negotiation, drafting, and review are crucial:


Imagine you’re about to close a major deal with a new vendor. A poorly drafted contract could lead to misunderstandings, financial losses, or even legal disputes. A business law attorney ensures that all terms are clear, fair, and enforceable, reducing the risk of costly issues down the line.


Every contract has specific terms that outline the responsibilities and obligations of each party. These can include:

  • Payment terms: When and how payments will be made.
  • Deliverables: What exactly is being provided or delivered.
  • Timelines: Deadlines for deliverables or milestones.
  • Termination clauses: Conditions under which the contract can be ended.

Business Relationships

Strong contracts build strong business relationships. They ensure that both parties are on the same page and help prevent disputes. For example, a well-drafted vendor agreement can clarify expectations and reduce the risk of misunderstandings.

Employment Relationships

Employment contracts are equally critical. They define the relationship between employer and employee, covering aspects like job responsibilities, salary, benefits, and non-compete clauses. This helps in setting clear expectations and protecting both parties.

Revenue and Expenses

Contracts directly impact your revenue and expenses. Clear terms ensure you get paid on time and avoid unexpected costs. For instance, a precise service agreement can outline payment schedules, late fees, and penalties for non-compliance.

Real-World Example

Consider the case of a small manufacturing company that recently negotiated a contract with a large retailer. The initial draft had vague terms about delivery schedules and penalties for late shipments. By involving a business law attorney, the company was able to negotiate clearer terms, ensuring timely payments and reducing the risk of financial penalties.

Next, we’ll explore Business Operations and Ongoing Legal Support and how having an outside general counsel can streamline your business activities.

Business Operations and Ongoing Legal Support

Running a business involves more than just day-to-day activities. It requires ongoing legal support to navigate complex issues and ensure smooth operations. This is where outside general counsel comes in handy.

Outside General Counsel

An outside general counsel acts like an in-house lawyer but without the full-time commitment. They offer legal advice on various matters, helping you make informed decisions. Small businesses often lack the resources for a full-time legal department. An outside general counsel can fill this gap, providing expert advice when needed without the overhead costs of a full-time employee.

Human Resources

Human resources (HR) is another critical area where legal support is essential. From hiring practices to employee termination, HR involves numerous legal considerations. A business law attorney can help draft employment contracts, create policy manuals, and ensure compliance with labor laws. This proactive approach can prevent costly disputes and create a positive work environment.

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance involves the rules and practices that govern a company’s operations. Effective governance ensures that a company runs smoothly, complies with laws, and meets its goals. Attorneys help with corporate governance by advising on board structures, drafting bylaws, and ensuring compliance with regulations. This helps maintain control and accountability within the organization.

Control and Management

Control and management are about who makes decisions in the company and how those decisions are implemented. Legal support can clarify these roles through well-drafted agreements and policies.

Accounts Receivable

Managing accounts receivable is crucial for maintaining cash flow. When customers delay payments, it can strain your business. A business law attorney can assist in drafting clear payment terms and conditions in contracts. They can also help with collection efforts if payments are overdue. This ensures that your business maintains a healthy cash flow and minimizes financial risks.

Next, we’ll dive into Employment Issues and how legal support can help manage labor costs, employee management, and payroll tax compliance.

Employment Issues

Managing employment issues is essential for any business. Labor costs, employee management, and payroll tax compliance can be complex and time-consuming. Here’s how a business law attorney can help.

Labor Costs

Labor is often the greatest cost for businesses. Mismanagement of labor costs can lead to financial strain. A business law attorney helps you navigate employment laws. This ensures that you’re compliant with the law and that your labor costs are controlled.

Example: Beganyi Professional Corporation Law Firm offers services related to employment issues, such as preparing employment agreements and policy manuals. This helps businesses manage labor costs effectively.

Employee Management

Good employee management is key to a successful business. Poor management can lead to disputes and low productivity. A business law attorney can assist in drafting employment agreements, confidentiality agreements, and restrictive covenants. They also help create and update employee handbooks and policy manuals.

Case Study: Beganyi P.C. is experienced in representing businesses in all aspects of the employer/employee relationship. They help ensure that businesses have the right structures in place to manage their employees effectively.

Business Transactions and Financing

When it comes to business transactions and financing, having a skilled business law attorney is crucial. These professionals help both buyers and sellers navigate complex deals and protect their interests. Let’s dive into the key areas where they provide essential support:

Buyers and Sellers

In any business transaction, buyers and sellers need to ensure that their interests are protected. A business law attorney can:

  • Draft and review contracts to ensure all terms are clear and fair.
  • Conduct due diligence to uncover any potential issues with the business being bought or sold.
  • Negotiate terms to achieve the best possible outcome for their client.

Example: At Beganyi P.C., we emphasize the importance of closing transactions quickly and economically while ensuring all legal formalities are met.

Borrowers and Lenders

Borrowers and lenders also benefit from the expertise of a business law attorney. These attorneys can:

  • Prepare and review loan agreements to ensure they are fair and legally sound.
  • Advise on financing options to help clients choose the best route for their needs.
  • Assist in negotiations to secure favorable terms.

Case Study: Beganyi Professional Corporation provides comprehensive finance law services, including tax planning, ensuring that clients have the best possible financial outcomes.

Transaction Protection

Protecting the interests of all parties in a transaction is a top priority. A business law attorney ensures:

  • All legal formalities are met to avoid future disputes.
  • Proper documentation is in place to protect against potential legal issues.
  • Compliance with regulations to prevent fines and penalties.

Fact: According to Beganyi Professional Corporation, a well-drafted buy/sell agreement is critical in ensuring smooth transitions and avoiding disputes.

Legal Formalities

Meeting all legal requirements is essential in any business transaction. A business law attorney helps by:

  • Ensuring compliance with local, provincial, and federal laws.
  • Filing necessary paperwork on time to avoid delays.
  • Advising on regulatory requirements to keep the transaction above board.

Bargaining Position

Maintaining a strong bargaining position is crucial in negotiations. A business law attorney can:

  • Provide strategic advice to strengthen their client’s position.
  • Negotiate on behalf of clients to secure the best possible terms.
  • Identify potential risks and address them proactively.

Example: We emphasize thorough preparation and execution according to specific business goals to ensure our clients’ interests are always protected.

Next, we’ll explore Real Estate and Property Transactions and how legal expertise can facilitate smooth and secure deals.

Real Estate and Property Transactions

Navigating commercial real estate transactions can be complex. A business law attorney helps make the process smoother and more secure by handling various aspects such as negotiations, due diligence, closing, and tax issues.

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate involves buying, selling, or leasing properties for business purposes. These transactions require careful planning and execution. A business law attorney ensures that all legal requirements are met and that the client’s interests are protected.


Negotiating a real estate deal involves multiple parties and interests. Attorneys help clients:

  • Negotiate terms that are favorable and legally sound.
  • Draft agreements that clearly outline responsibilities and rights.
  • Resolve disputes that may arise during negotiations.

Due Diligence

Due diligence is crucial in real estate transactions. It involves a thorough investigation of the property to identify any potential issues. Attorneys assist with:

  • Property valuation to ensure a fair price.
  • Structural inspections to uncover any hidden defects.
  • Reviewing zoning laws and regulatory compliance.
  • Title searches to confirm ownership and identify any liens or encumbrances.

Fact: Failing to perform due diligence can lead to costly mistakes. According to Beganyi Law, insufficient due diligence is a common pitfall in real estate transactions.


The closing process finalizes the transaction. It involves signing documents, transferring funds, and officially transferring ownership. Attorneys play a key role in:

  • Preparing and reviewing closing documents to ensure accuracy.
  • Coordinating with lenders to meet their requirements.
  • Ensuring compliance with all legal formalities.

Tax Issues

Real estate transactions often have significant tax implications. Attorneys help clients navigate these issues by:

  • Advising on tax strategies to minimize liabilities.
  • Ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations.
  • Handling tax disputes that may arise.

Next, we’ll explore the Dissolution of Business and the steps involved in winding down operations legally and efficiently.

Dissolution of Business

When a business comes to an end, whether due to retirement, disputes, asset sales, or financial difficulty, the dissolution process must be handled with care to ensure legal compliance and minimize negative impacts.


Retirement is a common reason for business dissolution. Owners may decide to step back and enjoy their golden years. In such cases, it’s crucial to have a plan for transferring ownership or selling the business assets. Establishing a buy/sell agreement early on can simplify this process. A well-drafted agreement outlines:

  • Triggering events: Retirement, death, or disability.
  • Valuation methods: How to price the departing owner’s shares.
  • Financing: How the purchase of shares will be funded.


Disputes among owners can lead to the dissolution of a business. These disagreements might be about the direction of the company, financial decisions, or personal conflicts. When a resolution can’t be found, dissolving the business might be the best option. In such scenarios, a business law attorney can mediate and ensure that the dissolution process is fair and legally compliant.

Asset Sales

Sometimes, businesses dissolve because the owners decide to sell the company’s assets. This might happen if the business is no longer profitable or if the owners receive an attractive offer. Selling assets involves:

  • Valuation: Determining the fair market value of the assets.
  • Negotiation: Ensuring that the sale terms are favorable.
  • Legal Formalities: Drafting and reviewing sales agreements.

Financial Difficulty

Financial struggles can force a business to dissolve. Whether due to poor market conditions, mismanagement, or other factors, businesses sometimes can’t sustain operations. In these cases, winding down involves:

  • Settling debts: Paying off creditors.
  • Liquidating assets: Selling off company assets to cover liabilities.
  • Compliance: Ensuring all legal obligations are met.

Winding Down

Winding down a business is a detailed process that involves several steps:

  1. Notification: Informing stakeholders, including employees, customers, and suppliers.
  2. Settlement: Addressing outstanding debts and obligations.
  3. Asset Distribution: Distributing remaining assets among owners or shareholders.
  4. Dissolution Filing: Filing the necessary documents with state authorities to officially dissolve the business.

Legal Compliance

Throughout the dissolution process, maintaining legal compliance is vital. This includes:

  • Tax Obligations: Ensuring all taxes are paid.
  • Regulatory Filings: Submitting required paperwork to government agencies.
  • Employment Laws: Handling employee terminations in accordance with labor laws.

Example: Beganyi Professional Corporation Law Firm, is known for making the winding down process as painless and legally compliant as possible, ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to protect their clients’ interests.

By understanding the intricacies of business dissolution and having the right legal support, you can navigate this challenging process smoothly and efficiently.

Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about business law attorneys to help you better understand their role and how they can assist your business.

Frequently Asked Questions about Business Law Attorneys

Is a corporate lawyer the same as a business lawyer?

While both corporate lawyers and business lawyers deal with the laws and regulations that govern businesses, they have different focuses.

Corporate lawyers typically handle the formation, governance, and dissolution of corporations. They deal with issues like shareholder rights, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate compliance.

Business lawyers, on the other hand, cover a broader range of legal areas. They deal with everything from business formation and contract negotiation to employment issues and real estate transactions.

A corporate lawyer is a type of business lawyer who specializes in corporate law. For most small to medium-sized businesses, a business lawyer can handle the majority of legal needs.

Why should a business have a lawyer?

Having a business lawyer is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Avoid Risks: Business lawyers help you avoid legal pitfalls that could harm your business. They ensure compliance with local, state, and federal laws.

  2. Lessen Liability: A lawyer can help structure your business in a way that minimizes personal liability, protecting your personal assets.

  3. Business Laws Education: They keep you informed about changes in laws and regulations that could impact your business.

  4. Legal Representation: In case of disputes, having a lawyer who understands your business can save you time and money.

What are the benefits of proactive legal planning?

Proactive legal planning with a business lawyer offers several benefits:

  1. Cost-Saving: Addressing legal issues before they become problems can save you significant amounts of money in the long run.

  2. Problem Avoidance: By identifying potential legal issues early, you can avoid costly disputes and litigation.

  3. Smooth Operations: A well-structured legal framework ensures smooth day-to-day operations and helps in making informed decisions.

  4. Profitability: Legal planning can enhance profitability by protecting intellectual property, negotiating favorable contracts, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Hiring a business lawyer can be a game-changer for your company. They provide the legal support needed to navigate complex business environments, allowing you to focus on growth and success.


In summary, hiring a business law attorney can be a game-changer for your company. They provide the legal support needed to navigate complex business environments, allowing you to focus on growth and success.

At Beganyi Professional Corporation Law Firm, we offer personalized services tailored to your unique business needs. Our team of expert business lawyers has experience in various aspects of business law, from entity formation to complex transactions and everything in between.

We pride ourselves on providing affordable legal services without compromising on quality. Our commitment to excellence ensures that you receive top-notch legal advice and representation, helping you minimize risks and maximize opportunities.

Our reliability and dedication to client success have made us a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a start-up or a well-established corporation, you can count on us to handle your legal matters with the utmost professionalism and integrity.

For more information on how we can assist you, visit our Business Law Services page.

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