Best Business Lawyers Near You!

Legal matters are inevitable in today’s intricate nature of business. It can be challenging to control everything on your own. But business lawyers can make things easier and do a range of tasks to build and run your business. From business structuring to resolving disputes, you will need a business lawyer. Let’s talk about what business lawyers can do for you and how to find one for your business.

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Anticipatory Repudiation In Real Estate: What You Need to Know

When a party to a real estate transaction suspects or is advised that the other party will breach its terms in the future, the question arises as to whether the innocent party is excused from its obligations under the purchase and sale agreement (“APS”). The answer to this question depends on whether there has been an anticipatory repudiation of the contract. If anticipatory repudiation occurs, the innocent party is relieved of its obligations and may treat the contract as terminated. If there has not been an anticipatory repudiation, the innocent party must continue to perform its obligations under the contract.

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